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Gluttony Parking

Cnr East Terrace and Rundle Road

Gluttony is a vibrant outdoor hub – a festival within a festival at the Fringe.

Gluttony is a vibrant outdoor hub – a festival within a festival at the Fringe.

Full of beautiful tent venues, bars, awesome food vendors, and a relaxed space for sitting and having a glass of wine before a show, Gluttony has gone from strength to strength while still maintaining an intimate atmosphere for you to enjoy.

Gluttony enjoys a prime position on the corner of East Terrace and Rundle Street, across from the Garden.

Gluttony is only open during Fringe time over February and March

Parking near Gluttony

UPark Frome Street

0–0.5 hour


0.5–1 hour


1–2 hours


2–3 hours


3–4 hours


4+ hours


Lost Ticket/Daily Max


Prebook 24 hours Enter anytime. Exit up to 24 hours later *


Rates charged midnight–midnight.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 30 minutes after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

If you are staying into the evening, Night Rates are charged in addition to any day rates already incurred.

* Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Prebook Early Bird Saver: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm*

Early Bird Saver rates are non-refundable and no changes can be made to your booking.


Prebook Early Bird: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm*


Prebook Early Bird Extended: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by midnight*


UPark Plus Daily Capped Rate

Rate only available via UPark Plus. Register now.


Drive Up Early Bird: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm


To qualify for Early Bird, you must enter and exit on the same day.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before or after your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

If you are staying into the evening, Night Rates are charged in addition to any Early Bird rates already incurred.

*Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Drive Up Night: Mon–Sat Enter from 6:00pm. Exit by 6:00am next day.


Prebook Night: Mon–Sat Enter from 6:00pm. Exit by 6:00am next day.*


Prebook Extended Night: Mon–Sat Enter from 4:00pm. Exit by 6:00am next day.


Night Rate applies in addition to any other fees already incurred.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

Night Rate is not available Fridays & Saturdays during Adelaide Fringe.

* Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Prebook Early Bird: Saturday Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm*


Prebook Early Bird Extended: Saturday Enter by 9:30am. Exit by midnight*


Saturday 0–0.5 hour


Saturday 0.5–1 hour


Saturday 1–2 hours


Saturday 2–3 hours


Saturday 3–4 hours


Saturday 4+ hours


Sunday Flat Rate


Prebook Sunday Flat Rate *


Prebook 24 hours Enter anytime. Exit up to 24 hours later *


You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

Sunday and Public Holidays charged midnight–midnight.

* Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Public Holiday Flat Rate Enter from midnight. Exit by midnight *


*Excludes any Saturday Public Holiday. Drive in rate only. Not available to book online.

Unreserved parking available. From $305 per calendar month park in any casual bay.

Free undercover bike racks are available for cyclists.

UPark Rundle Street

0–1 hour


1–2 hours


2–3 hours


3–4 hours


4–5 hours


5–6 hours


6+ hours


Lost Ticket/Daily Max


Prebook 24 hours Enter anytime. Exit up to 24 hours later *


Rates charged midnight-midnight.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before or after your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 30 minutes after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

* ONLINE ONLY. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

If you are staying into the evening, Night Rates are charged in addition to any day rates already incurred

Prebook Early Bird Saver: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm *

Early Bird Saver rates are non-refundable and no changes can be made to your booking.


Prebook Early Bird Flexi: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm ^


Prebook Extended Early Bird: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by midnight ^


UPark Plus Daily Capped Rate

Rate only available via UPark Plus. Register now.


Drive Up Early Bird: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm*


To qualify for Early Bird, you must enter and exit on the same day.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking, as it will not be in the system. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

If you are staying into the evening, Night Rates are charged in addition to any Early Bird rates already incurred.

* Drive in.

^ Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Drive Up Night: Mon–Thurs & Sat Enter from 6:00pm. Exit by 6:00am next day.


Drive Up Night: Friday Enter from 9:30pm. Exit by 6:00am


Prebook Night: Mon–Sat Enter from 6:00pm. Exit by 6:00am.*


Prebook Extended Night: Mon–Sat Enter from 4:00pm. Exit by 6:00am.*


Night Rate applies in addition to any other fees already incurred.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

* Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Prebook Early Bird: Saturday Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm*


Prebook Extended Early Bird: Saturday Enter by 9:30am. Exit by midnight*


Saturday 0–1 hour


Saturday 1–2 hours


Saturday 2–3 hours


Saturday 3–4 hours


Saturday 4–5 hours


Saturday 5–6 hours


Saturday 6+ hours


Prebook 24 hours Enter anytime. Exit up to 24 hours later *


Sunday Flat Rate


Prebook Sunday Flat Rate *


Sunday and Public Holidays charged midnight–midnight

You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

*Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Public Holiday Flat Rate Enter from midnight. Exit by midnight *


*Excludes any Saturday Public Holiday. Drive in rate only. Not available to book online.

Get Monthly Reserved Parking from $320 per month. We also offer Monthly Unreserved parking for $300 per month.

Visit Monthly Parking for more information.

Park your bike in an enclosed cage area with your own dedicated locker for your things for $10 per month.

Located on the left of the main entrance off Rundle Street, the cage is accessible using a swipe card. We do not provide keys for these lockers.

Bike Boxes (yellow lock-up boxes) are also available for $20 per month.

Free undercover bike racks are also available for cyclists.

UPark Pirie Flinders

0–1 hour


1–2 hours


2–3 hours


3–4 Hours


4–5 hours


5+ hours


Lost Ticket/Daily Max


If you are staying into the evening, Night Rates are charged in addition to any day rates already incurred.

Prebook Early Bird: Mon–Fri Enter by 9.30am. Exit by 7pm *


Prebook Extended Early Bird: Mon–Fri Enter by 9.30am. Exit by close *


UPark Plus Daily Capped Rate

Rate only available via UPark Plus. Register now.


Drive Up Early Bird: Mon–Fri Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm


To qualify for Early Bird, you must enter and exit on the same day.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before or after your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 30 minutes after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

If you are staying into the evening, Night Rates are charged in addition to any Early Bird rates already incurred.

* Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Drive Up Night: Mon–Fri Enter from 6:00pm. Exit by close


Prebook Night: Mon–Fri Enter from 6pm. Exit by close


Prebook Extended Night: Mon–Fri Enter from 4pm. Exit by close


Night Rate applies in addition to any other fees already incurred.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

* Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Weekend Flat Rate Enter from open. Exit by close.


Prebook Weekend Enter from 6am. Exit by close.*


*Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Public Holiday Flat Rate Enter from open. Exit by close. *


*Excludes any Saturday Public Holiday. Drive in rate only. Not available to book online.

Free undercover bike racks are available for cyclists.

Get Monthly Reserved Parking from $410 per month. Visit Monthly Parking for more information.

Parking Options
Frome Street
Rundle Street
Pirie Flinders
From UPark Frome Street to Gluttony

Exit the carpark onto Frome Street. Turn left and head south until you reach Rundle Street. Turn left and continue down Rundle Street until you reach East Terrace. Cross the road to reach Gluttony..

From UPark Rundle Street to Gluttony

Exit the carpark and turn right, heading east until you reach East Terrace. Cross the road to reach Gluttony.

From UPark Pirie Flinders to Gluttony

Exit the carpark onto Pirie Street and turn right, heading east until you reach Frome Street. Turn left onto Frome Street and continue walking until you reach Grenfell Street. Turn right, heading east until you reach East Terrace. Turn left and continue walking until you reach Rundle Street, to see Gluttony on the corner.