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University of South Australia Parking

University of South Australia, North Terrace Adelaide 5000

Convenient Parking near the University of South Australia

UniSA is the largest university is South Australia. It is located along North Terrace.

It is a university of enterprise on the global stage, agile and astute, known for relevance, equity and excellence.

Parking near University of South Australia

UPark Frome Street

0–0.5 hour


0.5–1 hour


1–2 hours


2–3 hours


3–4 hours


4+ hours


Lost Ticket/Daily Max


Prebook 24 hours Enter anytime. Exit up to 24 hours later *


Rates charged midnight–midnight.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 30 minutes after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

If you are staying into the evening, Night Rates are charged in addition to any day rates already incurred.

* Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Prebook Early Bird: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm*


Prebook Early Bird Extended: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by midnight*


UPark Plus Daily Capped Rate

Rate only available via UPark Plus. Register now.


Drive Up Early Bird: Mon–Sat Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm


To qualify for Early Bird, you must enter and exit on the same day.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before or after your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

If you are staying into the evening, Night Rates are charged in addition to any Early Bird rates already incurred.

*Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Drive Up Night: Mon–Sat Enter from 6:00pm. Exit by 6:00am next day.


Prebook Night: Mon–Sat Enter from 6:00pm. Exit by 6:00am next day.*


Prebook Extended Night: Mon–Sat Enter from 4:00pm. Exit by 6:00am next day.


Night Rate applies in addition to any other fees already incurred.

You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

Night Rate is not available Fridays & Saturdays during Adelaide Fringe.

* Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Prebook Early Bird: Saturday Enter by 9:30am. Exit by 7:00pm*


Prebook Early Bird Extended: Saturday Enter by 9:30am. Exit by midnight*


Saturday 0–0.5 hour


Saturday 0.5–1 hour


Saturday 1–2 hours


Saturday 2–3 hours


Saturday 3–4 hours


Saturday 4+ hours


Sunday Flat Rate


Prebook Sunday Flat Rate *


Prebook 24 hours Enter anytime. Exit up to 24 hours later *


You may enter up to 30 minutes before your booked entry time (unless booked within 1 hour of entry time). You cannot enter before this time with your booking. You may exit up to 1 hour after your booked exit time. Additional rates apply for late exit.

Sunday and Public Holidays charged midnight–midnight.

* Online only. Book up to 30 mins before entry.

Public Holiday Flat Rate Enter from midnight. Exit by midnight *


*Excludes any Saturday Public Holiday. Drive in rate only. Not available to book online.

Unreserved parking available. $305 per calendar month park in any casual bay.

Free undercover bike racks are available for cyclists.

Parking Options
Frome Street
From UPark Frome Street to the University of South Australia.

Exit the carpark onto Frome Street and turn right, heading north. Cross North Terrace onto Frome Road. The University of South Australia is on your left.